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Hi! I Am Amittras and this is

The Pilfered Diaries

A blog/showcase of my adventures in the literary space. Ideas, that are pilfered from what many call the “muse” and I call the reticent witch. I write stuff, read a lot more, and sometimes just explore little thoughts that run through my head at the most random hours of the day.

Dark, Twisted, Relatable, and sometimes outright crazy, this blog, The Pilfered Diaries is an experiment, a journal, a way for me to collaborate with people who are like me. More often than not, you will find in here something that might make you think. Come along with me, on a journey that has a lot of chill breaks, wild thoughts, and scenes that make you question the sanity of the writer...

Oh, by the way, Cats are better than dogs, change my mind!...